Thursday, September 11, 2008


I haven't laughed much this week, but this morning I laughed for most of the 20-minute walk to work. I know I looked like one of those people you see coming toward you in downtown Boston who immediately makes you cross the street.

The intercom on my train wasn't working great today, so there was a lot of static in the speakers as the conductor announced South Station and reminded us to take all our belongings, so I wasn't sure I heard him right:

"Thank you for shopping Wal-Mart."

I asked him on the way out today if I had heard him right and he smiled and said "yeah, if you can't laugh about it, why bother?" He also said that someone on the train would probably call and complain and get him pulled off service.

That would be too bad because we all need somebody to remind us each day to take a minute and laugh. Even a stranger on a train.

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